Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Simple & Elegant

This is a 6" triple chocolate fudge cake filled with mocha buttercream icing, covered with vanilla butterceam. The cupcakes are triple chocolate fudge with the mocha buttercream icing. This cake was done for a personal reason. I'm getting married in November & since I don't want to worry about making my own cake, we're having a Ben & Jerry's wedding cake! They made me a sample cake but were way off the mark. They asked that I show them what I want & this is it (without the cupcakes - I made those with extra batter).  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

C is for...A Cookie Monster Cake!

What a fun cake to make! There are many options for this cake but as to not detract from Cookie Monster himself, I took the simple route. This is a triple chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream filling. It is decorated with vanilla buttercream. His eyes are M&M's.

A Horse Lovers Cake

This cake was very simple & there are plenty of ways to make it fancier - like adding a saddle, bridle, flowers in the grass, ect. However, as simple as it is - it is still really cute! It is a chocolate fudge cake with vanilla & chocolate buttercream icing.